Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Nonviolence: A CBC Radio series (Including with me)

Mary Wiens, a producer for CBC's “Metro Morning” radio show, produced a series of seven-minute programs about nonviolent struggle, which were recently broadcast over the course of a week. She came to my home and interviewed me, among others. The whole series is now available for  you to hear on-line. I am in the first and third segments, if that matters. I think the whole series is a valuable contribution, reminding listeners that nonviolent struggle requires planning and commitment.

Here's the link to the whole series of five segments;


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Anonymous The ACTivist magazine said...

I really enjoyed listening to your segment Metta while cooking in the kitchen at home. People who are interested in your specific segment can download the podcast file here:
Chris Davenport
Editor, The ACTivist magazine

2:23 PM  

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